
Monday, September 16, 2013

SP #2: Unit E Concept 7 - Graphing a polynomial and identifying all key parts

Concept 7 is all about graphing polynomials, using the skills from previous concepts you will factor the equation, find the end behavior, find the x-intercepts (as well as the multiplicities), and find the y-intercepts. You may need to find the Extremas and intervals of increase and decrease, but only when instructions tell you to do so. Down below is the problem and the solution.

Problem: x^4 + x^3 - 6x^2 - 4x + 8

Things that you should pay attention to are when you are finding the x-intercepts, please remember that the numbers you see will be opposite, meaning it will be either negative or positive depending on what it is in factored form, as an example: (x-3) will be +3. Also pay attention to if an x-intercept will be a Through, Bounce, or Curve based on its multiplicities.

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